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Ashraf Ghani Requesting With Imran Khan To Resolve Afghan Conflict | Uzbekistan Conference
3PM Headlines | Prime Minister Imran Khan met with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani | FaizTvNetwork
A path to peace in Afghanistan with President Ashraf Ghani | The TED Interview
Peace and Reconciliation in a Multipolar World
#Shorts #SabirShakir | #arifhameedbhati | #imranriazkhan Imran Riaz Khan
Address by H E Mohammad Ashraf Ghani (Hon'ble President of the I. R. of Afghanistan) at the VIF
Roundtable with Dr. Ashraf Ghani and Clare Lockhart
Afghanistan 'ready' for Taliban violence after US withdrawal, Afghan president says
Trump-Khan discuss Afghanistan, terrorism in first meeting
Negotiation Team and Afghanistan Peace Process | Virtual Event
08/24/2018: Interview with Hamid Karzai: Who is the biggest threat to peace in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan’s top priority must be effective dialogue with Pakistan: Ghani